[ The Dog Fancier ]

This American magazine (Battle Creek, MI) began publication in 1891.

The December, 1904,issue carried this sad anecdote:

A subscriber in Chicago sends in an article clipped from a Chicago paper, showing how three little boys in Evanston fooled a big policeman and also saved their dog from a cruel death at the pound. The dog was yellow and white in spots and called Delilah, after a person in their Sunday school lesson. The policeman had told them if they didn't get a license at once he would take Delilah away and have her killed. The boys outwitted him by hiding Delilah in the hay loft and when the policeman came as he promoised, they had a bad, snappy Newfoundland that didn't belong to anyone in particular, tied in her place. But the policeman was stern and frowned and declared that he would have to "do his dooty." So one of the boys disappeared up into the loft to keep Delilah from barking, while the other two led out the Newfoundland and pretended to weep. They tried to pat him on the head and kiss him good-by to make believe that they liked him, but he bit at their hands and even snapped at the policeman. So the wicked Newfoundland was dragged off to be killed and Delilah was saved. (12)

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.dog fancier - december 1904