[ "A British Canadian" [Henry J. Morgan] / The Tour of H. R. H. The Prince of Wales through British America and the United States ]
Morgan (1842 - 1913) was a Canadian lawyer, civil servant, author, and editor, best known for biographical accounts of the lives of famous Canadians.
This volume was published only as "By A British Canadian" in 1860 (Montreal: John Lovell), and provides a flattering (and somewhat tediously detailed) journal-like account of the Prince's visit to North America.
The Newfoundland dog presented to the Prince is mentioned once, as follows:
During the day, a magnificent Newfoundland dog was presented by the Newfoundlanders to His Royal Highness, together with a collar of massive silver, and a steel chain. The collar is beautifully wrought in silver, with the Prince's crest and motto, &, and bears the following inscription:
"Presented to His Royal Highness, the Prince of Wales, from the inhabitants of Newfoundland."
The name given the dog by the Prince is "Cabot," after the celebrated Sebastian Cabot, the discoverer of the Island, and, if tradition is to be credited, the continent of North America before Columbus had visited any part of the main land. (23)
See this page here at The Cultured Newf for more accounts of Cabot and his show career. For still more on Cabot, and on another Newfoundland, Bouncer, who was presented to a later Prince of Wales, see this page at the Newfoundland Club of America website.
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.the tour of h. r. h. the prince of wales through british america and the united states