[ Judy / Care of the Dog ]
Will Judy (1891 - 1973) is identified on the title page as "Editor of Dog World Magazine, Honorary President National Dog Welfare Guild, Gen'l Chairman Oldtimers of the Kennel World, Past President Dog Writers Association, Author of Dog Encyclopedia, etc." Judy was also a captain in the American army and a lawyer, yet somehow found time to write a number of books on dogs.
This book, the subtitle of which is "A Presentation,, on Practical and Scientific Bases, of the Care, Housing, Feeding, Grooming, Health and General Management of the Dog, Particularly for the Layman Dog Owner," was first published in 1940; the text below is taken from the fifth edition, which appears to have been self-published in 1954.
Newfoundlands are mentioned only twice in this book, the first time in the chapter "All-Important Matter of Choosing a Name." Explaining that a dog's name should be no more than 2 syllables and "have a sound or meaning related to some quality of the dog, such as color, personality, use, or origin," Judy offers some examples:
Call an Irish terrier Mickey; a black cocker Blackie; a saint bernard Switzie; a guide dog Pilot; a frisky foxterrier Stepper.
The Pekingese is to be called Lu Ching rather than Buffalo Bill; the newfoundland, Prince rather than Easter Lily. (24)
The second mention is simply "Newfoundland" in a list of "extra-large breeds" in a discussion of feeding.