[ London Times ]

This newspaper, most correctly known simply as The Times, began publication in 1785 and continues to this day.

The edition of July 8, 1828, carried a "dogs for sale" notice from what I think is a dog dealer. He has placed at least one ad in The Times prior to this one, but that earlier ad did not mention Newfoundlands:

TO be SOLD, TWENTY BRACE of well-broke POINTERS and SETTERS, part of them broke on the moors, 6 brace of Sussex Spaniels, 6 couple of small Rabbit Beagles, 1 brace of Grayhounds, 9 Retrievers, and 2 Newfoundland dogs. They are all warranted and a fair trial allowed. To be seen at Mr. Helps', Elma-house, Bayswater, half a mile from Oxford-street, on the Oxbridge-road, near the Swan Inn.

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Some six months later, on January 19, 1829, this same dealer will post a similar ad, although this time he is selling a large number of pheasants in addition to sporting dogs and three Newfoundlands:

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On June 26, 1829, this same dealer will post a similar ad yet again — although he seems to be accumulating, rather than selling, those Newfoundlands, since now he has four on offer:

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This dealer is not to be confused with the infamous (at least here at The Cultured Newf) London dog dealer J. S. Pardy.

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.london times