[ London Times ]

This newspaper, most correctly known simply as The Times, began publication in 1785 and continues to this day.

The edition of September 18, 1846, carried a "Newf for sale" ad that is noteworthy for its detail about size:

NEWFOUNDLAND DOG for SALE, thoroughbred and handsome, likely to make a very large dog, his sire and dam being particularly so. He is a young growing dog, only 21 months's old, and now measures about 28 inches to the shoulder, is an excellent water dog, and docile; the property of a private party who has now no convenience for keeping him. Lowest price six guineas. The address with Mr. Watkins, tailor, 7, Little Argyll-street, Regent-street. N. B. To be seen only from 12 to 6, this day and tomorrow.

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.london times