[ London Times ]

This newspaper, most correctly known simply as The Times, began publication in 1785 and continues to this day.

The December 17, 1875 edition of The Times reported on the Firt Annual Dog Show held, under the auspices of the Kennel Club, at Alexandra Palace, an entertainment, sports, and exhibition venue in north London which opened in 1873 and continues in operation to this day.

Typically for accounts of dog shows, each breed generally merits very brief mention, usually just the names of the winning dogs/bitches and their owners. This report was no different as far as the Newfoundlands were concerned: "The Newfoundland dogs were a good class, and the first prize went to Mrs. Cunliffe Lee's Nep, a very fine black dog, and the second to Mr. Coats's Leo. There were only three entries in the Bitch Class, and consequently only one prize, which fell to Mr. Bowman's Gipsy."

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.london times