[ London Times ]

This newspaper, most correctly known simply as The Times, began publication in 1785 and continues to this day.

The August 4, 1815 edition of The Times carried the following brief note of a Newf doing cadaver recovery:

DROWNED BODIES FOUND BY A DOG. — A few days back as a Gentleman with a Newfoundland dog was crossing in Air-street-fields, Bethnal-green, where there are two ponds, the dog plunged into one of them, and appeared to grapple with something, which his master perceived to be a human body: on examination it proved to be the body of a boy about 14 years of age. The dog instantly plunged into the other pond also, and brought out a woman's cap: this second circumstance created more alarm, and the pond was dragged, when the body of a woman genteely dressed was brought up; both bodies appeard to have been for some time in the water; they were carried to the bone-house to be owned.

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.london times