[ London Times ]

This newspaper, most correctly known simply as The Times, began publication in 1785 and continues to this day.

The September 29, 1819 edition of The Times carried the following "lost dog" notice regarding a Newfoundland — of unusual coloration — named Carlo, surely named after the famous Newfoundland who starred in the 1803 play The Caravan, discussed here at The Cultured Newf:

LOST, in the neighbourhood of Clapton, on Sunday the 12th instant, a NEWFOUNDLAND DOG, about 12 months old, answers to the name of Carlo; his color is fawn, with white feet and white face, with dark brown marks over his eyes. Any person giving information where he may be found to Mr. Jennings, Mount-pleasant, CLapton, shall receive ONE GUINEA REWARD. Any persons detaining him after this advertisement will be prosecuted.

This is the first reference I have seen to a fawn-colored Newfoundland.

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