[ London Times ]
This newspaper, most correctly known simply as The Times, began publication in 1785 and continues to this day.
The edition of September 5, 1835, carried the following "lost dog" notice regarding an Irish spotted Newfoundland:
A Large young NEWFOUNDLAND DOG LOST. — THREE GUINEAS REWARD and all expenses to whoever will bring it to Mr. Cunnington, butcher, High-street, Hampstead. The dog strayed from home on Sunday evening, the 18th ult.; he answers to the name of "Nelson" and is mostly black, but the inside of his chest and body, also the inside of his legs, the paws, and end of his tail are white; he has a white ring round his throat, a white mark down the forehead, the white spreading over the lower part of the face and jaws; had on a black leather collar, with plain brass plate. No further reward will be offered, and every chance of recovering the dog having hitherto been tried in vain, and every research made for it throughout London, it is conjectured that it may have been sold to some gentleman. Should any one have lately bought a Newfoundland dog answering to the above name and description, it is earnestly requested that notice of the above purchase may be sent to the foregoing address. Any person known to detain him after this notice will be prosecuted.