IMPORTANT SALE of GRAYHOUNDS, Setters, Retrievers, Deerhounds, Spaniels, etc. — To be SOLD by AUCTION, by Messrs. TATTERSALL, at Hyde-park-corner, on Thursday, July 7, without reserve, the entire KENNEL of DOGS, late the property of his Grace the Duke of Gordon, deceased; consisting of . . . Newfoundland dogs, etc. . . .
This advertisement was repeated the following day in the
Times, worded identically.
The Duke of Gordon was a Scottish title (until the later 19th Century, when it was created anew as an English title.) This particular duke would have been George Gordon, the 5th Duke of Gordon (1770 – 1836). A soldier and politician, and a man known for his love of the traditional life of a country nobleman, the 5th Duke had no legitimate children and so the dukedom was dissolved upon his death.