[ London Times ]

This newspaper, most correctly known simply as The Times, began publication in 1785 and continues to this day.

The edition of July 6, 1836 carried an auction notice liquidating an entire noble kennel:

IMPORTANT SALE of GRAYHOUNDS, Setters, Retrievers, Deerhounds, Spaniels, etc. — To be SOLD by AUCTION, by Messrs. TATTERSALL, at Hyde-park-corner, on Thursday, July 7, without reserve, the entire KENNEL of DOGS, late the property of his Grace the Duke of Gordon, deceased; consisting of . . . Newfoundland dogs, etc. . . .

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This advertisement was repeated the following day in the Times, worded identically.

The Duke of Gordon was a Scottish title (until the later 19th Century, when it was created anew as an English title.) This particular duke would have been George Gordon, the 5th Duke of Gordon (1770 – 1836). A soldier and politician, and a man known for his love of the traditional life of a country nobleman, the 5th Duke had no legitimate children and so the dukedom was dissolved upon his death.

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.london times