[ London Times ]

This newspaper, most correctly known simply as The Times, began publication in 1785 and continues to this day.

The edition of February 27, 1838, carried a news item regarding a fatal bite from a rabid Newfoundland:

Mrs. Hicks, wife of Mr. Hicks, farmer, of Clapton, Midsomer Norton, was, about five weeks ago, thrown down and bit by a large Newfoundland dog. Means were used to counteract the effect of the bite, and it was supposed that all dangerous consequences had subsided, till Sunday last, when sympotms of hydrophobia appeared, and on Wednesday morning she died, leaving a family of five infant children, one at the breast. Several other persons in the same neighbourhood were bit by this dog on the same day, and obliged to have immediate recourse to surgical assistance. Several animals were also bit before the dog could be destroyed. Too much caution cannot be taken at the present time in confining or securing dogs. — Somersetshire Constitutional

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.london times