[ New Sporting Magazine ]

This sporting monthly, which began publication in 1831, is not to be confused with the older Sporting Magazine, which began publication in 1793.

The February, 1841, issue included a comic article, "Hints to Spa Sportsmen," recounting the author's experience in helping to organize one of the fancy balls that were a staple event at sporting resorts during the Christmas holidays. The author, identified only as "Vaslyn," mentions Newfoundlands only once, when he recounts some of the negative consequences of the ball.

I myself lost my temper, and damaged a couple of fingers in a rencontre with the lieutenant of the coastguard, who permitted himself to use some very gross expressions concerning my supposed partiality in excluding him, whilst I had invited the recruiting officer of the district. He refused in the most insolent manner to retract or apologize, although I produced in justification of my conduct, the county paper, which contained a circumstantial account of his having been bitten by a mad Newfoundland dog belonging to a smuggler, a short time before we issued our cards, and of his having expired two days afterwards in extreme agony, notwithstanding the repeated use of the Ormskirk specific. (116 - 117)

The "Ormskirk specific," more commonly "Ormskirk medicine," was an early treatment for rabies; you can read more here (new window/tab).

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.new sporting magazine - february 1841