[ Case of John Ramsey / Proceedings of the Old Bailey ]
The Old Bailey (properly known as The Central Criminal Court of England and Wales) was the principal criminal court in London in the 18th and 19th centuries (and remains in use to this day). The records of trials held at the Old Bailey have been digitized and made freely available online (oldbaileyonline.org).
This particular case (reference number t18191201-66) was heard on 1 December 1819 and involved a charge of theft against one John Ramsey, accused of stealing a pair of reins belonging to his employer. During his defense Ramsey claims that he thought the reins had disappeared on account of his master's dog:
I dare say the puppy had dragged them away
He is then cross-examined:
Cross-examined by MR. ARABIN. Q. You thought the Newfoundland dog had taken them away - A. Yes.
But further testimony strongly suggested that Ramsey had indeed stolen the reins and sold them; he spent six weeks in prison and the Newf puppy was off the hook.