[ Case of Richard Evans / Proceedings of the Old Bailey ]

The Old Bailey (properly known as The Central Criminal Court of England and Wales) was the principal criminal court in London in the 18th and 19th centuries (and remains in use to this day). The records of trials held at the Old Bailey have been digitized and made freely available online (oldbaileyonline.org).

This particular case (reference number t18240407-5) was heard on 7 April 1824 and involved a charge of theft against Richard Evans and John Taylor, accused of stealing items from a shopkeeper's home. During his defense Evans tries to explain the source of the money found on his person by the constable investigating the crime:

The money found upon me I received at the East India Docks, for a Newfoundland dog, which I sold for .

Evans was found guilty and executed (age 21); Taylor was exonerated.

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.case of richard evans / proceedings of the old bailey