[ Pure-bred Dogs ]

Formally, Pure-bred Dogs: the Breeds and Standards as Recognized by the American Kennel Club , this book was edited by a "special committee" of the AKC and introduced by Dr. J. E. DeMund, then-President of the AKC. Published in 1929 (New York: G. Howard Watt).

The book's preface remarks that "Dog lovers had complained that there existed no official publi- cation giving standards of the different recognized breeds in this country. This book is the answer to that complaint."

Very similar to the breed standard as developed by the Kennel Club (England), and published many times in various books and magazine.

newf image

Newfoundlands are bred for intelligence and strength, and have a wide scope of activity. They take naturally to water, and inherit an urge to rescue persons and to retrieve things from the water. They are self-sacrificing, and very much devoted to their owners and especially to women and children.

(By Courtesy of Newfoundland Club of America)

Symmetry and General Appearance. – The dog should impress the eye with strength and great activity. He should move freely on his legs with the body swung loosely between them, so that a slight roll in gait should not be objectionable; but at the same time a weak or hollow back, slackness of the loins, or cowhocks should be a decided fault.
Head, – Should be broad and massive, flat on the skull, the occipital bone well developed; there should be no decided stop, and the muzzle should be short, clean cut, rather square in shape, and covered with short fine hair.
Coat. — Should be flat and dense, of a coarsish texture and oily nature, and capable of resisting the water. If brushed the wrong way, it should fall back into its place naturally.
Body. — Should be well ribbed up, with a broad back. A neck strong, well set on to the shoulders and back, and strong muscular loins.
Fore Legs. — Should be perfectly straight, well covered with muscle, elbows in but well let down, and feathered all down.
Hindquarters and Legs. — Should be very strong; the legs should have great freedom of action, and a little feather. Slackness of loins and cowhock are a great defect; dew-claws are objectionable, and should be removed.
Chest. — Should be deep and fairly broad and well covered with hair, but not to such an extent as to form a frill.
Bone. - Massive throughout, but not to give a heavy, inactive appearance.
Feet. — Should be large and well shaped. Splayed or turned-out feet are objectionable.
Tail. — Should be of moderate length, reaching down a little below the hocks; it should be of fair thickness and well covered with long hair, but not to form a flag. When the dog is standing still and not excited, it should hang downwards, with a slight curve at the end ; but when the dog is in motion, it should be carried a trifle up, and when he is excited, straight out, with a slight curve at the end. Tails with a kink in them, or curled over the back, are very objectionable.
Ears. — Should be small, set well back, square with the skull, lie close to the head, and covered with short hair, and no fringe.
Eyes. — Should be small, of a dark brown colour, rather deeply set, but not showing any haw, and they should be rather widely apart.
Colour. — Dull jet black. A slight tinge of bronze, or a splash of white on chest and toes is not objectionable.
Height and Weight. — Size and weight are very desirable so long as symmetry is maintained. A fair average height at the shoulders is 28in. for a dog and 26in. for a bitch, and a fair average weight is respectively:
dogs..... 140 to 150lbs.; bitches.... 110 to 120lbs.

Other than Black. — Should in all respects follow the black except in colour, which may be almost any, so long as it disqualifies for the black class, but the colours most to be encouraged are white and black or bronze. Beauty in markings to be taken greatly into consideration.
Black dogs that have only white toes and white breasts and white tip to tail, should be exhibited in the classes provided for "black."

Scale of points

	Shape of Skull.......................................  8
	Ears....................................................... 10
	Eyes......................................................   8
	Muzzle.................................................... 8
    				     Points for head —— 34

Body Neck....................................................... 4 Chest...................................................... 6 Shoulders............................................... 4 Loin and Back...................................... 12 Hindquarters and Tail........................... 10 Legs and Feet........................................ 10 Coat...................................................... 12 Size, Height, and General Appearance... 8 Body points —— 66 ____ Total points 100

Markings of White and Black Dogs.

Head........ 3
Saddle....... 5
Rump........ 2
Total — 10

"Definition for Preference"

Black head marked with narrow blaze.
Even marked saddle.
Black rump, extending on to tail.
The ten points above are to be considered in differentiating between "Landseers" not added to Standard.

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.pure-bred dogs