[ Rendel / "Newfoundland Chosen as Best in 879-Dog Show of Long Island" ]

This article, by John Rendel, who contributed occasional articles on dog shows to the Times, appeared in the Sports section of the New York Times on May 18, 1953, pg. 30.

The article has two sub-headlines: "Sea Raider Takes Westbury Honors" and "Best-in-Show Triumph of the Chern's Newfoundland Dog a Rarity for the Breed." The dateline is Westbury, Long Island, May 17.

The rarity of a Newfoundland winning best in show occurred today in the fifty-first even of the Long Island Kennel Club on a polo field of the Meadow Brook club.
The dog that scored was Ch. Midway Black Ledge Sea Raider, a 157-pound 5-year-old dog belonging to Mr. and Mrs. Vadim A. Chern's Little Bear Kennels of Norwalk, Conn. The decision that ended a 879-dog show on an overcast day was made by T. H. Caruthers 3d, who said he found the Newfoundland a remarkably sound dog.
Mrs. M. K. Drury, chairman of the show committee and a widely experienced exhibitor of Newfoundlands, said no member of the breed had gone to a best-in-show victory in this country for five years. The last winner was Ch. Dryad's Coastwise Showboat in Tucson, Ariz. Showboat was from Mrs. Drury's Dryad Kennels.
. . . .
The Newfoundland that was found best of all was handled by Ed Carver. The dog, Canadian bred, is a champion of the Dominion as well as the United States, finishing both championships at fifteen months. He had failed only once to take the breed rosette in twenty-one shows, had won groups three times.

One Dryad dog who has found his way to The Cultured Newf did it via art: click here to see Ch. Dryad's Strong Sea Pirate immortalized in bronze.

Another Dryad dog found her way into the New York Times on March 19, 1967, when the paper carried a brief note about what it said was "the largest specialty ever held for the [Newfoundland] breed in the United States." This speciality, not identified by name, was held in Lenox, MA and had an entry of 117 Newfs, "including 16 champions." BOS went to "Ch. Dryad's Christmas Cheer, owned by John W. Carpenter of Fort Edward, N. Y." (310)

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.newfoundland chosen as best in 879-dog show of long island