[ Sporting Magazine ]

The Sporting Magazine (1792 - 1870) is considered the first general sporting magazine, though in its later decades it gave considerable emphasis to fox hunting. But it published all manner of sporting-related material, from news stories to poetry to calendars of upcoming sporting events. The subtitle of this magazine was "Monthly Calendar of the Transactions of the Turf, the Chace, and every other Diversion interesting to the Man of Pleasure, Enterprize and Spirit." [more at Wikipedia]

The June, 1804, issue included a note about a random water rescue by a Newf:

An extraordinary instance of the sagacity and utility of that useful animal the dog, occurred lately — A gentleman of Newcastle, crossing the Ford, near Netherwitton, was thrown from his horse in the midst of the current, which was then running rapidly; and he would have inevitably perished, not being able to swim, and having a great coat, boots, etc on, had not a young Newfoundland dog, which had followed him from town, leaped into the water, and dragged him safely on shore. (164)

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.sporting magazine - june 1804