[ Sporting Magazine ]

The Sporting Magazine (1792 - 1870) is considered the first general sporting magazine, though in its later decades it gave considerable emphasis to fox hunting. But it published all manner of sporting-related material, from news stories to poetry to calendars of upcoming sporting events. The subtitle of this magazine was "Monthly Calendar of the Transactions of the Turf, the Chace, and every other Diversion interesting to the Man of Pleasure, Enterprize and Spirit." [more at Wikipedia]

The November, 1811, issue had this brief note about a bridge-jumping Newf:

WEYMOUTH, OCTOBERE 19. — Among the novelties of the week, we have to notice a very surprising Newfoundland dog, that yesterday attracted the attention of our fashionables, in leaping from Weymouth bridge into the tide, an height of upwards of fifty feet, with the most wonderful resolution and sagacity. This extraordinary animal was brought forward by Wm. Norton Dawe, Esq. of Dorchester, and may be justly termed, of his species, the Champion of England; and the owner challenges him as such against any other for his great and superior qualities. He intends to exhibit his prowess off all the three London Bridges, viz. Blackfriars, London, and Westminster, all on the same day; and there is not the least doubt but that he will be viewed with wonder by the admirers of the canine race. (92)

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.sporting magazine - november 1811