[ Sporting Magazine ]

The Sporting Magazine (1792 - 1870) is considered the first general sporting magazine, though in its later decades it gave considerable emphasis to fox hunting. But it published all manner of sporting-related material, from news stories to poetry to calendars of upcoming sporting events. The subtitle of this magazine was "Monthly Calendar of the Transactions of the Turf, the Chace, and every other Diversion interesting to the Man of Pleasure, Enterprize and Spirit." [more at Wikipedia]

The , issue carried a lengthy article entitled simply "The Dog" by "G. W. B." The article is a history and overview of dogs in general, and has several references to Newfoundlands. Indeed, the essay begins by quoting some lines from Lord Byron's "Inscription on the Monument to a Newfoundland Dog," discussed here at The Cultured Newf, and shortly thereafter makes allusion to Byron's Newf, Boatswain:

The dog has always found friends in those gifted with the highest order of intellect. . . . Byron, who rivalled in Cynicism the man who lived in a tub, (I wonder was it to avoid the poor rates), must have been sincerely attached to his Newfoundland dog when he declares he never knew a friend but him. (266)

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