[ Tischler and Giacovelli / The Adventures of Kermit the Newf: Book 1: Dog Tales ]
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By Molly Tischler and Bonnie Giacovelli; illustrated by Amy Bolin

Blurb: "Book is about a real life dog, a Newfoundland, that is a service dog and is a local celebrity. Kermits favorite place to go is the library so the children can read to him. But not every kid there is so sure about reading to a big, black and white dog. Will Kermit ever win over the shyest kid in the library? The books of The Adventures of Kermit the Newf are inspired by actual events in the life of a charming, hardworking Newfoundland dog. From his devotion to his service work for his disabled owner,to his compassionate and gentle therapy work with young children, and his showmanship and sense of humor in his acting and modeling career, he has won the hearts of all those with whom he has come in contact.

Hardcover. 38 pages. Grade Level 1-2 or anyone who loves Newfies."

Published 2016.

Big Gentle Dogs page

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