[ London Times ]

This newspaper, most correctly known simply as The Times, began publication in 1785 and continues to this day.

The edition of May 2, 1854, had the following "Newf for sale" ad — black curly coat:

DOG. — A magnificent rich BLACK CURLY NEWFOUNDLAND DOG (Wallace), 23 months old, one of the first dogs on earth, excellent temper, fetch and carry for miles, recover on water or land; his equal as a water or guard do is not to be found. Test his capabilities. Apply to Mr. Eno, Milton-cottage, Neat-street, Coburg-road, Old Kent-road.

How anyone could bear to part with one of the finest dogs on Earth is beyond me ;)

Two months after this ad, another very similar ad will run in The Times, using much the same language as in the above ad and referencing the same individual, "Mr. Eno," at the exact same address.

[ blank this frame ]

.london times