[ London Times ]
This newspaper, most correctly known simply as The Times, began publication in 1785 and continues to this day.
The edition of July 10, 1854, carried the following "Newf for sale" ad. No color is mentioned. I am including this ad because it was posted by the same individual at the same address who posted a very similar Newf-for-sale ad two months earlier in The Times; it could be for the same dog, as the different ages of the dog mentioned in the two ads correspond roughly to the passage of time, although the dog's name is different in the two ads. So either it was the same dog, or Mr. Eno had the great good fortune to own TWO of the finest animals ever seen on earth! ;)
DOG. — A majestic curly NEWFOUNDLAND DOG (Wellington), 27 months old, one of the most perfect animals ever seen, a splendid water dog, wiill fetch and carry for miles, very vigilant, obedient, docile, and good tempered; quite a companion; a gentleman's dog. – Mr. Eno, Milton-cottage, Neat-street, Coburg-road, Old Kent-road.
An advertisement addressed "To Sportsmen" offering for two black spaniels for sale appeared in The Times on August 29, 1854, under Mr. Eno's name and address. This would suggest Eno was, at least on some small scale, a dog dealer.