[ Journal of the Moslem Institute ]

This journal, published in Calcutta, began in 1905 and ceased publication in 1915. It was resurrected as The Muslim Review in 1926 and ceased publication in 1930.

The April - June, 1908, issue featured a piece entitled "The Dogs of Constantinople," about, well, the dogs of Constantinople, and includes this mention of a famous Newf owner, the French actress Sarah Bernhardt:

The jealousy with which the dogs of a quarter guard it makes the keeping of a pet dog a very tiresome affair; for through every quarter that one passes, a fresh set of doys begin to bark or growl at the strange dog. The famous actress, Sarah Bernhardt, while at Constantinople, had a large Newfoundland dog with her, and on the first day of her stay took it out with her but was soon compelled to take it back, on account of the commotion this large stranger caused in every dog-quarter she passed thruugh. The dogs are, however dissatisfied when they know that a strange dog is being housed in their quarter; for they think he will get the food which ought to have been thrown out to them. Thus Sarah Bernhardt had to employ several men to keep the dogs dwelling round her hotel quiet at night, the latter not at all appreciating the presence of her well-fed companion. (449)

Bernhardt may have taken her Newf to Constantinople, but she did not take him with her when she sailed to America, and the result was tragic. You can read about that sad incident here at The Cultured Newf.

There is an earlier (1860) discussion of the dog scene in Constantinople, treated here at The Cultured Newf.

Sarah Bernhardt was one of many famous individuals who owned Newfoundlands at some point during their lives. You can find an annotated list of well-known Newfie owners here at The Cultured Newf.

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.journal of the moslem institute - april - june 1908.